Bitbake 1.8.6

  • Someone tested OE with new bitbake?

    when i did

    make image

    i get alll errros....

    any idea?

  • cd build; . ./env.source; bitbake dreambox-image
    ERROR: Error in executing:
    ERROR: Exception:exceptions.UnboundLocalError Message:local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment
    ERROR: Printing the environment of the function
    ERROR: 0001:def __anonfunc():
    ERROR: 0002: import exceptions
    ERROR: 0003: need_host ='COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
    ERROR: 0004: if need_host:
    ERROR: 0005: import re
    ERROR: 0006: this_host ='HOST_SYS', d, 1)
    ERROR: 0007: if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
    ERROR: local variable 'bb' referenced before assignment while parsing /mnt/hdd1/OE/7025/openembedded/packages/aalib/
    ERROR: Error in executing: