Dream to pc connection help

  • Hi

    When i use mozilla fox to connect to my dream 7020 on inputting the box IP i get "connection was refused when attemping to contact IP ***.***.***.***" can anyone help on how to access this I have login and pw set up but when i try adding this to IP addy in browser it still does not work.
    I want to access the enigma web interface screen but somehow cannot access it.

    If i hold the lower front lefthand side putton and turn box on from the rear i can obtain the box IP which when typed gives me access to setting up flash etc ok so know that it is connected.


  • Did you change anything in the Setup concerning the network?

    The ip you see for flashing is given from your dhcp-server. In the config you can put in another ip and deactivate dhcp. If you'changed this ip, your Box has probably another ip when it's running then for flashing.



  • Hi m8

    On the 7020 im aware if u power up u get the box ip and inside yeah i have set my own ip addy this is the number im trying to connect with but for some reason the box wont allow access .
    I sure i read somewhere that in the browser when you type the ip because it has user/pw this has to be typed too only problem what i have tryed so far does not work, so what is the correct way to type is in the address bar?
    Im a little surpised that not many users have repied to this question or are we all in the same boat lol


  • Internet Explorer 7 and Dreambox 7025.

    When I access the box over http I can see the channels and even switch channels so that the box goes to a different channel. But the page does not load correctly and that is all I can do. It remains forever saying: waiting for

    I see Engima 2 Webinterface
    The only tabs I see are: Alle/Provider/Favoriten and the time.
    I can switch channels over http and then the receiver goes to a different channel.

    Do I miss something on Internet Explorer 7, something to add or is it the box that is missing something, as it looks like it cannot give the updates.html

    I thought that I should see more, and would be able to program a recording over http.

  • Hi Murray,

    Thanks for your answer.
    I was worried as I tried it also with Firefox and then I also see the same, but then it mentions below Transferring data from
    Thing is I have seen some screenshots at other sides, e.g. at http://dreambox.ingmar.dk/WebStreamEng.htm and then one has more options, so that's why I thought why can't I see this and manage the box completely over http.

    So why is the official image so limited then?

  • your link shows a Enigma-1 Web-Interface

    The new 7025 use the new operating system Enigma-2

    There was no Web-Interface existing up to last October

    But in the next week or months there will also exist a better one.
    In the in-official images there are more function

  • Okay, then I'll wait some more till a better image is around.
    I am new at using the dreambox, and I don't want to start messing around with unofficial images yet.

    Maybe when I am a bit more experienced with it.

  • Hi m8s

    Found what the problem was, when using mozilla fox type box ip in 192.***.***.*** : then port number u have assigned in communication setting in expert menu if u have checked password potect ur have to entre in pop up box but once done u will get the image interface like [Moderator] Image is in violation of the Boardrules [/Moderator] which im using now


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