• Thanks,

    Ok, now I installed eclipse and pydev. I made a pydev project and added my simple plugin.py to it.

    I'm getting the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "F:\My Documents\Downloads\Dreambox Utilities\Own Packages\enigma2\lib\python\Plugins\DemoPlugins\OurSmallTest\plugin.py", line 1, in ?
        from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor
      File "F:\My Documents\Downloads\Dreambox Utilities\Own Packages\enigma2\lib\python\Plugins\Plugin.py", line 1, in ?
        from enigma import loadPNG
    ImportError: No module named enigma

    My plugin.py is very simple and looks as following:

    So it seems that enigma is missing from my path, but I could not find this file! Help please.

  • Ok, but I though that I have to compile the plugin first! Should I not? just put the .py file? Where should I start the plugin from then? telnet to box? or from menu?

  • No, python is an interpreted language, meaning it does not need to be compiled. Create a Folder in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions naming it anyway you like (DemoPlugin or whatever, copy the py file into that folder, and create an empty file named __init__.py in that folder (IT HAS TO BE THAT NAME EXACTLY! Else enigma2 won't recognize the folder as a plugin folder). Then restart enigma2 and the plugin will appear in the plugin menu (as defined by where = PluginDescriptor.WHERE_PLUGINMENU)