HDD partitions are not recognized by DM7020HD ?

  • Hello
    DM7020HD with cvs + gp3 image
    I have a Western Digital 1 TB external hard disk formatted with NTFS, which was divided into two 500 GB partitions. But when I connect it to the Box it detects only one partition and Mount it.
    1. Primary partition in Linux is better or Logical?
    2. How do I Mount other partitions?

  • My box is the DM8000 and I am using the Oozoon image but I think this should be similar.

    Setup then System then Storage devices. Mine would show the second partition in there and ask if I wanted to mount it.

    Incidentally is there any reason why you want it to have two partitions ? If not just merge them into a single one as there isn't a 1TB limit, if its for different kinds of films or music or something like that then I find using a single partition with multiple folders for the different type of films or music works fine.

    DM 8000 Beta Tester

  • keep in mind you should NOT mix the DMM Device Manager with the GP Device Manager

    use only one

    and I wouldn't use NTFS in combination with the dreambox

  • and I wouldn't use NTFS in combination with the dreambox

    I don't know how Jalizi is using his external drive but I FTP recordings that I want to keep from the Dreamboxes internal hard drive to various 1 and 2TB SATA hard drives that I drop into a USB 3 hard drive dock attached to my PC. Then if I want to watch something at a later date I just drop the relevant SATA drive into another USB hard drive dock that I have plugged into my Dreambox. All my drives are formatted as NTFS and the Dreambox has no problem reading them.

    DM 8000 Beta Tester

  • ntfs reading is no problem. writing is it, especialy multiple recordings at the the same time from a dream on a ntfs formatted drive.



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  • I think with GP3 you can / have to load the NTFS kernel modules in the blue panel. But I guess that is described in their forum or Wiki already.

    so long

  • Did you want your drive as 2 partitions for a special reason ?
    If not then just merge the partitions into a single partition on your PC.

    DM 8000 Beta Tester