OE 2.0 delete PVR recordings

  • Running the newest OE 2.0...

    When I press the PVR button and see the list of recordings. On the old OE 1.6 you could press the red button for delete recording.

    Now that button says "All/Alle/Alles"
    Then you have to start the movie, stop the movie (then choose stop and delete)

    Could we have the delete button back please?

  • Maybe you should consider accepting that since ages movies are deleted by pressing Menu on the selected movie and choose delete there ...

  • I don't really know if DMM will change back the function of the red button in the PVR window, because by now this wasn't requested by any single user here (except you).

    But have you tried alternate PVR-Plugins? They offer are better functionality than the original one, so I would really recommend to try them. I think some of them are provided by the official feed of DMM, so you don't even have to try a different image (like Merlin and Oozoon) or the Gemini-Plugin.

    How can we win, when fools can be kings?

  • Didn't know you could press menu.. and I must honestly admit that I did not try to press menu.

    But I did now, and it's working... so sorry for this thread...
    But I learned something new :winking_face: :grinning_squinting_face:

  • You have to install the plugin enigma2-plugin-extensions-movieselectionquickbutton.

    After restarting Enigma2/GUI, the red button will delete selected movies without pressing MENU. To change functions of the color buttons just open MENU - Plugins - Setup MovieSelection Quickbutton

    Gruß Fred

    Die Dreambox ist tot, es lebe die Dreambox

  • I don't really know if DMM will change back the function of the red button in the PVR window, because by now this wasn't requested by any single user here (except you).

    They don't have to change anything back as this has always been default behaviour :winking_face: If you're using tags (you need extra plugins to add the tags) the other color buttons filter the list by these tags.

    so long