800HDse / enigma2 TimeShift Crashes

  • Hello all,

    For a week now the TimeShift function on my 800HDse (enigma2 fully updated) doesn't work. It starts, but freezes after aprox 10 seconds.

    I'm using an internal SAMSUNG 500GB HDD. This works perfectly when recording both manually and using the timer.

    What to do? All help would be highly appreciated.


  • I guess you set your timeshiftpath to something different than the recording path (can be made in settings) and now the timeshift goes to the flash and lets it crash. Please post a crashlog then we can verify this. I guess there will be a message like "no space left on device" in the crashlogs...

  • Timeshift location : /media/hdd/

    Timer record location : /hdd/movie/

    So, Timeshift location should be the same as the Timer record location? Trouble is I can't change the location … Any idea?

    And one last thing, under Harddisk Setup you can set the 'Harddisk standby after' time. What is the actual effect of this setting, and what would you suggest?

    Thanks for your help so far!

  • These two settings are not neccessarily pointing to the same place.

    /hdd/ could be a link to /media/TheNameOfYourHardDisk/ instead of a Link to /media/hdd/.

    If you can't modify this, try click "OK" when path is selected...

  • Thanks … thought I'd try that option already. Changed the path to /hdd/movie/ now, and running a test. Looks like it could be working.

    Wondering though why it stopped working in the first place. After a year …

    But thanks for your help Tode!

  • Probably for some reason the link between /hdd/ and /media/hdd got lost... In worst case a timeshift still resides in /media/hdd (in your case this is the flash) and will let your box crash the next time you want to save something. You better check that using ftp or telnet and remove the obsolete recording there to avoid possible later errors.