remote control turns off my tv

  • Hi,

    I have just bought a new dreambox. A DM7020HD.
    The problem is that if I use the power button, it turns off my Philips TV too.
    I do not want that.

    What can I do about this? Can I make the dreambox listen to another frequency?

    Friendly greetings,

  • Are you sure this is due to the remote control and not caused by the HDMI-CEC feature?

    If you're using a new experimental image (OE 2.0) your box sends a signal via HDMI to the TV to turn on or off when your Dreambox is turned on or off :smiling_face: You can change this via Menu->Setup->System->HDMI CEC.

    so long

  • Just try it with the power button of your box when its running. Box will go to standby then and if your TV turns off, then it's not caused by your RemoteControl. Disable HDMI-CEC in your Dreambox or "EasyLink" in your TV Settings ...

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • Thank you Homey & thank you M0rphU!
    It turned out that it was "easylink" that was enabled on my Philips TV
    I disabled it, and then it worked immediately.

    Once again, thanks!!