Is it possible to access files?

  • Hi.
    My dreambox was doing a software update and after restart it only comes to a green screen that says some files are corrupt and it needs to restart. And so it keeps restarting.

    I would re-flash it but I need to access some files before I do so. Is this possible?
    I can get into bootloader web interface but that's it.
    Please help.

  • If you get a Greenscreen, network is running. So just telnet to the box and stop enigma2 by typing "init 5" so it will stop the annoying restarts.

    Then you can simply access the box via FTP and copy your files. You can also grab a crashlog from /media/hdd and post it here, so we could maybe find a nicer solution than reflashing :winking_face:

    so long

  • You were already F* wenn you bought a box where you don't know the password and have some strange files which you urgently need ... No further comments on this as it is probably heavily violating the Boardrules.

    But as I'm a nice guy - you can use LowFAT and boot the box from an USB stick like a recovery CD then in LowFAT Plugin you have the possibility to reset the Flash images password, mount it to copy files or delete and even make an Backup of the entire Flash as nfi file.

  • Well I neither said that the files are strange nor that I needed the urgently. I spent a day building the bouqet lists on my computer. I apperantly knew the password then but not now. The Low Fat thing seems too difficult for me so I will simply flash through bootloader web interface. Thanx anyway.