help with standby

  • hello
    i'd like to execute a command when enigma2 goes to standby, and another when it leave the standby mode:
    any suggestions?
    i thinked about verify the powestate: i found a way using the webinterface but looks not so good (is there a file that contains the running powerstate?)
    or to edit something and add that command before or after the stanby "command" (which file shoud contains that)?

    thanks to all

  • You can monitor the config- variable config.misc.standbyCounter that is set as soon as the box is sent to standby. I did it like this in KiddyTimer- Plugin (you can find the sourcecode here:

    To attach yourself to the Standby- Event you do something like this:

    config.misc.standbyCounter.addNotifier(self.enterStandby, initial_call = False)

    And then in the function enterStandby you can monitor, when it comes back by using the Standby- class:

    from Screens import Standby
    def enterStandby(self,configElement):


  • many thanks for the reply
    but unlucky i cannot "speak" py :frowning_face: but many thanks the same for the suggestions, i have already downloaded the source and i'll try to understand something: but at this moment look as china language for me

    there is not any file that stores the standby or working state (or system variable, so i can access to it with a simple sh script)? verify that values (if it is present) every xxx seconds is enough for me
    thanks again

  • ...If you just want to find out the power state you could use this "dirty trick"... :winking_face:

    Issue the following command:

    cat /proc/stb/avs/0/input

    In Standby the result will be: aux

    In Power On mode you get: encoder

    ...hope this helps... :winking_face: