genuine dreambox - help.

  • :question_mark: hello, I do not know if my dm is genuine, I was confused by the message on the site after I inserted the code in the field. what message appears when dm is genuine? on my screen was the same and updated when a phrase appeared: please contact us and show the phone and email,... etc. this is the message that appears on the site when the original is dm?? thanks for the help and if possible pasting the message that appears on the site for you when dm is genuine. Goodbye.

  • with a wrong code you get the text:

    because I do not have a new box with this certification-test I could not say that is the text for a genuine box

    try it once again with your code and check the text

  • Interestingly, my not turn up any of the two examples above, the only thing that happened after I inserted the code appeared a line telling me to contact them by phone or email, does anyone know what could it be?? I repeat, is not no message appeared in red or green, just did what I said above, thank you too much attention from above, bye.

  • why not simply do what they suggest and contact DMM?

    It might be a clone ... only DMM can tell you ...

    I have no clue what happens if you have a clone, I only know what message appears when you enter invalid code or a correct code, but no idea what happens if you enter a code from a clone. Maybe it's the message you are getting ...

    Or tell us from where you got your box and how much you paid for it :winking_face:

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • The 'good' clones return a few valid codes - clonedealer even used screenshots to advertise this 'feature'

    So I would assume that DMM now simply stopped advertising for them when these 'known' codes are entered ...

    Just my 10c