DM800HD pvr After flashing, starting to reboot, then dies.

  • DM800HD pvr after flashing, starting to reboot, then dies.
    Tried with Dreamup and Browser. Tried different Images, even original FW.
    Same same.
    Starting reboot after flash with, if you know what I mean as following, 5mm grafic, then jumps back to 2mm grafic, then black display.
    Same procedure what ever image I select.

    A Dreambox for the scrapyard?

    4 DM500s - 1 DM600s - 1 DM800HD pvr | 1 DM800HD se
    Wave Frontier T-90 ||||| 19.2 - 13.0 - 4.8 - 0.8

  • make a bootlog. And disconnect all other devices like USB Devices or internal harddisk ...

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • no bootlog, no answer.

    how should we know what happen on your box and what is the problem to provide a bootlog

    ... bootlog - never heared before ... no really beleavable from a guy with 4 dreamboxes ...



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