DM 800 HD SE - .MKV 1080p DTS Movies...

  • I am trying to play .mkv file size is arrount 9GB 1080p with DTS but unfortunately not showing the file.

    I am tryig to run it from USB Hard Disk.

    What pulgins I have to Install and which format of Movies I can run ??? and what about the DTS .. will it supports ??

  • MKV is just a container ... what video- and audiocodecs is your MKV using? You can find it out with the MediaInfo.exe tool (google)

    Usually MPEG2/4 or other h264 codecs should work. also some divx/xvid ...

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • For 1080p24 the Autoresolution Plugin is helpfull.

    For DTS you either need a DTS-capable A/V-Receiver or some Plugin for DTS-Downmuxing, which clearly isn't supported here (google).

    so long