channel numbers on the dm500hd

  • can anyone offer any help with this query please.
    is there any way to set the channel numbers
    so they start a number one and run in order
    for every satellite, at the moment my channel
    numbers start at number one on the first satellite
    scanned for the first channel listed and the last channel
    on the last satellite is a four figure number for the last
    channel on my satellite channel list, i would prefer each
    satellite channel list to star at number one

  • many thanks for your reply, can you tell me how to sort the numbers
    with the v dreamboxedit. i cant find any way unless there is
    a different editor or program thats needed

  • after trying for some time and i still cant see anyway
    to set the channel numbers to start at number one for
    every satellite, i have come to the impression it needs a
    official updated software image to fix this problem,

  • What you want is not possible and wouldn't make sense.

    For example: You have a number 1 on satellite A and a Number 1 on Satellite B.

    Now you would like to switch to channel 1 on sat B and you're pressing the number 1 on the remote. How could enigma know witch sat you'd like to watch?

    Each number can only exist once.



  • you are very possibly correct but every other satellite receiver iv'e owned does have the menu's set for every satellite to start with channel number one but they were not linux receivers and i thought a dreambox would have channel lists the same way and non linux receivers, when you press a chn number on a non linux receiver it only changes the channel on the satellite your viewing,
    and the way it's set on the dm500hd does'nt take away anything from the quality of this great receiver,