add option Google translator

  • Hi
    please add a option that translate Epg from a language to other language with Google translator for example Italian language to English
    i hope add it in Enigma2

  • Google will not take any money from Persia :smiling_face:

  • This feature is in 'subtitle player' plugin. As you know, this plugin get information about the film from and can be translated from English into any other language. I do not know whether this plugin uses the Google Translate service or another translation service? But my request is that the EPG data be translated from Italian to English or Polish to English and other languages. I think this plugin is using the free translation service that can be used to translate the EPG data. What do you think?
    Enigma 2 This feature can be useful for many Enigma2 users, especially for those who are using the EPG data.
    Please add this feature to Enigma2. :smiling_face:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    There is no free to use google translate for external parties.
    It's not an option. Still using it via some "magic" is a violation of the Google ToS and therefore inacceptable.

    So no, we won't.

    mfg ,

  • Reichi is right, the programms which are not using the official API use simple the public Browser webinterface, but this has limitations in the length of the text and using it in a commecial product or beyond the functionality it offers for interactive translation is a violation of the Terms of Usage of Google.

    Maybe you are not caring about such things either personally or in your country, but DMM as an official vendor has to and even a Plugin builder which doesn't want to end up with a nice letter from lawyers from Mountain View in California should accept this Situation.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lost in Translation ()

  • Finally I found what I wanted
    Do a Google search on the word "EPG translator"
    A Persian proverb says: Searcher will be Finder! :thumbs_up: