Are there any solution to green leed

  • hi,

    My DM500 HD was dead the second time ( in 2 month) send it to dmm dubai is very expenseve for me (appro..160 USD dollars) and the first dead was cost me the same price...

    Please can you help me to resolve this pb without sending the box.. and are you beileve that dm500HD is a failed machine.

  • hi,

    My DM500 HD was dead the second time ( in 2 month) send it to dmm dubai is very expenseve for me (appro..160 USD dollars) and the first dead was cost me the same price...

    Please can you help me to resolve this pb without sending the box.. and are you beileve that dm500HD is a failed machine.

    Welcome on board my friend.

    You know what your problem is? .Trust a company which doesn't care about you. I asked for solution or official statement but nothing yet! .

    How can I spend this amount of money for sending it to DM each time? So , you know what I'm doing with it right now? I've put it under flower pot ! .

  • hi,

    My DM500 HD was dead the second time ( in 2 month) send it to dmm dubai is very expenseve for me (appro..160 USD dollars) and the first dead was cost me the same price...

    Please can you help me to resolve this pb without sending the box.. and are you beileve that dm500HD is a failed machine.
    ooohhh in 2 month dead second time mine's the worst in 15 days two times I can not know how to market a box with similar errors, but for me as a brand is dead dreambox

  • why haven't moderator reply... or anything explain us if we wait or send it to dmm... no solution in futur or we say good bay dream multimedia.. here in Tunisia all went to change there dm500 HD failed...

  • What answer do you expect!? There is simply no other solution then sending it to DMM or the Shop where you bought the box if you have a hardware failure.

    Sorry :neutral_face:

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.