Just Heard of Dreambox

  • Hello, I am Saad from Islamabad, Pakistan.
    I just heard about dreambox an hour ago, i have a couple of question,
    the guy who told me about this said i would only need a DSL connection to work the dreambox? i couldnt really find any literal discriptions of how it works
    so yes ... i buy myself a DM 500HD i connect it to the tv.. how do i make the channels come through it lol ... newbie question i know :smiling_face: help? :smiling_face:
    Saad .

  • The dreambox can show streamed data from a dsl connection. But then of course you need somebody to stream the content for you.

    The dreamboxes have a DVB-S(2) / DVB- C or DVB-T Tuner to show programs "over the air". Without a sat- dish a cable connection or DVB-T you will not have a fully functional receiver.

    For DM500HD: At the moment there is only a DVB-S2- Version, so you need a satellite dish.

    Best regards