Use PVR to play avi-file. Can be doen on internal disk but not on USBdisk

  • Hi,

    I find playing avi-files more convenient via the PVR of the Dream 8000.
    When I search for the avi on the internal disk all goes well.
    Searching the avi's on the usbdisk. No find.
    With telnet I can see the avi-files on the usbdisk.
    Is this a non existent feature from PVR?
    I mount the usbdisk in fstab with:
    /dev/scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /media/hddusb auto defaults 0 0
    and made a map in /media/hddusb.

    Can anybody help me out?

    Grtz. Petty

  • petty:

    Try pressing the PVR-Button a second time, when the "normal" list of your films is already shown. Then you can
    browse to the desired folder and add it as a bookmark. After that, select this bookmark and you should be
    able to see the files in that folder...

  • unicorn0815 ,

    Thanks for Your quick answer.
    After my partner has seen her program I will try this, and I shall report the resullt on this forum.

    Grtz. petty

    I followed Yout advice and .................................. IT IS WORKING.

    Thank You for helping me out, I am very happy with it.

    Grtz. Petty

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