Questions about future

  • Hi!
    Just two questions:
    1) Why locations were removed from enigma2 .pot file?
    Often the only way for a translator to try to understand the real mood of the coder is to "see" the context from where the translating strings belongs, and we could say the same for understanding if a string is a description, a button text, an help text and so on (coders are so "tightwad" with translation comments... :winking_face: ).
    Now we have no longer this opportunity, so we have to "blind" translate, install the translated file, test it live, and then leave for the treasure hunt, searching for the wrong strings to edit.
    And if it isn't really hard for an existing translation just to keep updated, for a brand new language it could be a true translator nightmare! :loudly_crying_face:

    2) Why unicable support disappeared fron experimental (2.6) branch?
    Perhaps because 2.6 is becoming the stable one, leaving room for a 2.7 experimental branch? (again with unicable support...)
    Or unicable support was cancelled from enigma2 stuff?
    Please, tell me that the first option is the true one... :kissing_face: or I'm afraid I'll have to suicide... :loudly_crying_face: :loudly_crying_face:

    DM 920UHD - DM Two - DM One - DM 7020HD-v2 - DM 7020HD