Flash problem

  • When i flash dreambox 8000 (original image) never does not lose everything not do flash erase keep username password ip why???? I do with dream up 1334 end ethernet.I do something wrong ???

    Thanks !!!!!

  • I never flashed my 8000 (and the 7025 not either) via Dreamup. I always use the normal browser to update... And I never had any problems with data that was not deleted.

    Try using the browser, and everything should be fine.


  • I do and with browser and again the same problem I didnt have only me many many customers of dm8000 has the same problem.If you do sometimes flash you understand me because if you if not noticed would not understand.Dosent do completly flash erase Keep pass and ip and i dont know what else.Its not big problem but why ???

  • There is no flash erase with newer Dreamboxes. After flashing, user/pw is always root/(dreambox), getting the same IP could be a result of the lease cache of your Internet Gateway/DHCP server. Flashing always overwrites the configuration.

  • Yes normal is this but dont hapent Keep ip and pass If you try you understand me. I dont know if hapen this with the last version 1.2 because mine is 1,2