Compile outside oe

  • Hi there,

    I have now compiled a 7025 image using the instructions found here etc. Now, I wonder how the easiest way to create&compile a standalone "hello world" program should be setup.

    How do I create a new small project and include in the bitbake environment, or is it possinble to create some external makefiles etc using the settings (cross compiler etc) from the dreambox bitbake stuff?

    I have seen this:
    And started to modify it to use mips instead of PowerPC...but it seems rather there an easier way?

    Best regards

    /\\ Message void if penguin violated
    _\_V Don't mess with the penguin

  • Thank you!

    The devshell looks intresting, I will dig into that. I do have some difficulties with the translation of the text in the forum. I tried babelfish etc...but I still have some trouble understanding all of it. Do you think you could help me with a short english version of this:
    Diese devshell findet man dann in "build/tmp/deploy/addons" für die 7025 heisst die dann mipsel-linux-opendreambox-dm7025-devshell

    Die kann man einfach auf seinem Linux dann starten.. dann einfach die sourcen auspacken, die man kompilieren will.. oder in das Verzeichniss wechseln.. anstatt von configure sollte man da dann
    "oe_runconf" starten.. das configured dann die sourcen für mipsel.. danach nur make..
    Wenn irgendwelche libs fehlen, dann diese sofern vorhanden mit bitbake normal bauen.. oder halt auf dem selben weg erstmal kompilieren und make install..

    That would have been very nice if you got some time to help me with that. I understand if you don't but I wanted to ask anyway. Thanks.


    /\\ Message void if penguin violated
    _\_V Don't mess with the penguin

  • sure,

    "the devshell can then be found in build/tmp/deploy/addons", for the 7025 it's named mipsel-linux-opendreambox-dm7025-devshell.

    The [devshell] can be run simply from the [command prompt]. Then just unpack the sources you want to compile (or change into the directory). Instead of just "configure" you should run "oe_runconf". This will configure the sources for mipsel. Then just "make".

    If any libraries are missing, build them - if available - with bitbake first. If they aren't, do it in the same way as described here, and then do "make install".


    I got it up and running now...compiled my little "hello world" test finally!


    /\\ Message void if penguin violated
    _\_V Don't mess with the penguin

  • Hello,

    I just wanted to post a follow up on this topic. I have attached a hello_world sample here.

    How to compile:
    Make sure you have created the devshell according to the other thread mentioned here.

    To make my devshell work (with Ubuntu Linux) I had to change the last alias row from:
    alias ./configure=oe_runconf
    alias configure=oe_runconf

    Don't really know why...but hey a minor problem!

    Unpack the hello_world somewhere (does not need to be inside your oe tree).
    Start the devshell and cd to your unpacked directory.

    In this you should then do (from the devshell...this is important):
    autoreconf --install

    The "autoreconf" may not be needed...but run anyway to make sure everything is set!

    This sould create a hello_world exefile in [hello_world_root]/src.

    Good luck & happy coding!

  • thanks Gruffy

    don't understand how to

    Start the devshell

    also don't understand

    do (from the devshell..
