Errors with ac3lipsync & moviecut makefile

  • Trying to compile today, with tomorrow date, even after a

    git checkout -f
    git pull

    and a

    -cclean world

    always fails both for 7025 and 800, with the same error:

    What's happening?
    And what suggestions?
    Many thanks!

    DM 920UHD - DM Two - DM One - DM 7020HD-v2 - DM 7020HD

  • I'd search the error in your CVS checkout. Looks like you had a conflict.

    Remove the snapshot and make a clean checkout to work around this.

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  • I cleaned all my environment, and after some other strange problems (error fetching todays plugin tar.gz :confused_face: ) finally I got again may image builded.
    Thanks a lot again, you were kind & valuable as usual... :smiling_face:

    DM 920UHD - DM Two - DM One - DM 7020HD-v2 - DM 7020HD