Beiträge von dre

    hier mal der code, wie es mit TV & MP3 funktioniert (noch nicht mit deinem Stream!)

    The internal ci-slots of the dreambox do only support smartcards with the encryption system dreamcrypt. for all other encryption systems you need a module that you insert into the pcmcia-like slot.

    epg.dat on /hdd is deleted on boot because you have rm -f /hdd/epg.* in rcS. the file on usb may not be deleted because the rcS has not been changed.

    if (pm_visible && !pm)
    		pm = eSkin::getActive()->queryImage("sselect_folder");
    		// load pixmap here... with pm = eSkin::getActive()->queryImage("bla");
    		// or pm = loadPNG("full_path_and_name_of_png_file");

    es wird die grafik für sselect_folder geladen. gemäss default.esml ist dies folder-fs8.png.

    existiert bei dir in /share/tuxbox/enigma/pictures/ diese datei?

