Beiträge von pluto78

    Thanks for the clarification.

    I take this opportunity to ask you what is the right way to edit an existing bouquet. As I have already said, I re-entered all the channels (or almost) with the right indications in the "Digital terrestrial" bouquet, but I did it following a rather laborious path: from the general list, add channel to the bouquet, chose Digital terrestrial, where the channel is queued, then placed on the added channel I enabled the shift, put it in the right position and deleted the wrong channel. Doing this for every single channel was laborious. I noticed that when you are on the favorite channel list, pressing the "Menu" button also gives you the option to edit the bouquet. I tried to do it, but, for my ignorance, I did not understand which is the right operating mode. Could you point it out to me? Thank you

    Edit: It is not all clear to me, but I have found how to do it. Thanks anyway.

    Cerco di spiegare meglio il mio punto di vista anche con degli allegati.

    Con il plugin di Vhannibal, presente nell'immagine Dream Elite, ma non nell'immagine Gemini Gp4.1, è possibile, in fase di scaricamento dei nuovi setting, selezionare una o più cartelle di preferiti da conservare. Io ho scelto di conservare la cartella "Digitale terrestre" perché, dopo aver fatto una ricerca con opzione "cancellare prima di cercare = si", che mi ha portato una lista dei preferiti del DTT con le righe vuote, ho provveduto con molta fatica a reinserire tutti i canali che erano presenti nella lista (che avevano il reference name non esatto), che ho ritrovato nella lista generale (tutti i canali) dopo la ricerca. Ho così ottenuto una lista dei preferiti corretta (reference name esatti) che, nel caso di nuova ricerca con cancellazione, mi conserva tutti i canali presenti nei preferiti del DTT e che vengono ritrovati.

    Solo per spiegarmi meglio ora, ho scaricato nuovamente la lista di Vhannibal, conservando i miei preferiti “Digitale terrestre”, a cui si è aggiunta un’altra cartella “Digitale Terrestre” (T grande). Nella cartella “Digitale Terrestre” ho aggiunto 3 canali, Rai1 HD, Rai2 HD e Iris, che non erano visibili perché di altra zona, eliminando i 3 non visibili. Ho quindi rieseguito la ricerca e tutti i canali nella cartella “Digitale Terrestre” che prima erano visibili ma con il reference name non esatto, sono spariti (righe vuote). Rimangono solo i 3 canali che avevo precedentemente reinserito. La cartella “Digitale terrestre” da me rielaborata in precedenza, come si vede dallo screenshot allegato, ha ripescato tutti i canali in fase di ricerca con cancellazione. Da ciò si deduce che quando si seleziona l’opzione “cancellare prima di cercare = si”, i preferiti, quindi file utente, vengono sovrascritti (cancellati).

    La mia richiesta è la seguente: se in fase di ricerca con cancellazione la ricerca mi sintonizza, ad esempio, Rai3 HD con reference, ma nei preferiti è presente con****.0.0.0, anziché cancellare il canale, inserisce quello corretto Trovi che sarebbe sbagliato fare in tal modo? Basterebbe porre un “se …..” nella programmazione (ovvero se presente una condizione). In tal modo si avrebbe una lista corretta anziché una lista vuota.

    I try to explain my point of view better also with some attachments.

    With the Vhannibal plugin, present in the Dream Elite image, but not in the Gemini Gp4.1 image, it is possible, while downloading the new settings, to select one or more favorite folders to keep. I chose to keep the "Digital terrestrial" folder because, after doing a search with the "delete before searching = yes" option, which brought me a list of the DTT favorites with empty lines, I proceeded with great difficulty to re-enter all the channels that were present in the list (which had the incorrect reference name), which I found in the general list (all channels) after the search. I thus obtained a correct list of favorites (exact reference names) which, in the case of a new search with cancellation, keeps all the channels present in the DTT favorites and which are found again.

    Just to explain myself better now, I downloaded the Vhannibal list again, keeping my "Terrestrial Digital" favorites, to which another "Terrestrial Digital" folder (large T) has been added. In the “Digital Terrestrial” folder I added 3 channels, Rai1 HD, Rai2 HD and Iris, which were not visible because they were from another area, eliminating the 3 not visible. I then rerun the search and all the channels in the “Digital Terrestrial” folder that were previously visible but with the incorrect reference name, have disappeared (empty lines). Only the 3 channels that I had previously reinserted remain. The “Digital terrestrial” folder I previously reworked, as you can see from the attached screenshot, has fished out all the channels being searched with deletion. From this it can be deduced that when you select the "delete before searching = yes" option, the favorites, therefore user files, are overwritten (deleted).

    My request is as follows: if in the search phase with cancellation the search tunes me, for example, Rai3 HD with reference, but in the favorites it is present with .2.217C.EEEE ****. 0.0.0, instead of deleting the channel, insert the correct one Do you find it wrong to do so? It would be enough to put an “if… ..” in the programming (ie if a condition is present). This would result in a correct list instead of an empty list.

    Thanks dhwz for answering me.

    Now I have a little clearer ideas. I wonder, however, why DreamOS should not make sure that, when in the list there are channels with EEEE0000, if in the search they are not found with this indication but with the more precise one, it still goes to bookmark the one actually found, overwriting EEEE0000 with EEEE0324, for example, and thus filling the favorites list. Often there is only one receivable broadcaster, so the problem of the strongest one does not arise. If, on the other hand, there were more broadcasters, it would be up to the user to replace it with the best one. Also the picons of the DTT all have EEEE0000, but they are however also displayed with the correct frequency code, therefore different from EEEE0000.

    I believe it is doable. I don't know if it is possible to suggest such a change or if someone higher up could read the thread and consider it.

    I return to the subject as with the readjustment of the DTT frequencies it is more than ever a topical topic.

    Looking for DTT channels with "delete before searching = yes", in the favorites list, in my case that of Vhannibal with 13E + DTT Italia, the DTT favorites list remains with all empty lines, keeping the picon display, if there I'm. Instead, it must be confirmed with only the channels found during the search, in order to understand from the empty lines which channels must be reinserted in the favorites list. I think I have identified the problem. With Vannibal's prepackaged list. but also of others, the reference name contains "eeee0000" on all channels, while the channels found with the search have, by way of example, "eeee0324". By inserting the channels in the list after the search, with the correct reference, a new search keeps the channels previously reinserted in the favorite list. It would appear that this problem is not present on non-original images. On these images a new search, although the DTT settings all have the reference name "eeee0000", are retrieved and re-entered in the favorites list. To better explain the problem, I am attaching two screenshots of the digital terrestrial bouquet file, the first with the original Vhannibal settings, the second with the same settings after searching and manually entering all the disappeared channels. Can anything be done to correct? I hope my intervention will be taken into consideration by someone.

    Ho già cercato quando mi hai risposto in altro thread.

    Io non le vedo quelle videate delle impostazioni, altrimenti non avrei chiesto. Hardware Manager da dove lo installo?

    Allo screenshot5 come arrivo?

    I have already searched when you answered me in another thread.

    I don't see those settings screens, otherwise I wouldn't have asked. Hardware Manager where do I install it from?

    How do I get to screenshot5?

    I recently purchased a 32GB Sandisk SD card to use in my DM920 UHD. But the card does not appear in any way in the device management. What must be done to have it detected? Is there a plugin / extension to install to do this? Which? Thank you

    Scusami per il tempo trascorso dal tuo intervento.

    Per la scheda SD, ho provato ad installare dal le estensioni GP4 "Automount" e "Devices". Non ho ottenuto nulla, se non che in Hardware info visualizzo ka scheda inserita, ma non posso fare altro. Nella gestione delle periferiche continuo a non vedere la SD. Se puoi, indicami esattamente quale plugin installare direttamente dalle estensioni DMM o da altro. Grazie

    Sorry for the time elapsed since your intervention.

    For the SD card, I tried to install from the GP4 extensions "Automount" and "Devices". I have not obtained anything, except that in Hardware info I see the inserted card, but I can not do anything else. In the management of peripherals I still do not see the SD. If you can, tell me exactly which plugin to install directly from DMM extensions or something else. Thank you

    P.S.: SD card is Sandisk Ultra SDHC-I 32 GB

    Scusami Zombi, non so se quello che scrivo poi viene ben tradotto. Il produttore non ha un obbligo, ma sapendo che tutti i Team fanno quello che abbiamo scritto prima, dovrebbe sentire la necessità di offrire una soluzione alternativa, che potrebbe essere quella di Team come GP4, sapendo che ciò non comporta per il produttore difficoltà a farlo, e che il cliente, se non viene considerato nelle sue richieste, può decidere di servirsi di altri produttori. Penso di essere stato chiaro. In merito, aggiungo un'altra considerazione che esula dalla problematica sin qui sollevata: io ho pagato per avere il DM920 anche la porta per la SD Card. Vorrei capire il perché se ne inserisco una, non viene rilevata e non mi da la possibilità di configurarla. Altrove ho letto che si tratta di una scelta del produttore. Io non so se ciò sia vero o meno, ma se lo fosse, sarebbe sconcertante.

    Excuse me Zombies, I don't know if what I write then is translated well. The manufacturer does not have an obligation, but knowing that all the teams do what we have written before, they should feel the need to offer an alternative solution, which could be that of a team like GP4, knowing that this does not entail difficulties for the manufacturer to do so. , and that the customer, if not considered in his requests, can decide to use other producers. I think I made myself clear. In this regard, I add another consideration that goes beyond the problem raised up to now: I paid to have the DM920 also the port for the SD Card. I would like to understand why if I insert one, it is not detected and does not give me the possibility of configure it. Elsewhere I have read that it is a choice of the manufacturer. I don't know if this is true or not, but if it were, it would be disconcerting.

    Hi Zombies, you are always nice. I know that with the Quickbutton GP41 everything works fine and I put the link on the red button short press, since at the moment in Italy the HbbTV does not work with DreamOS. But when you try a different image I think that the option I requested must always be available and the user must be able to activate it or not. I believe that they are small adjustments that, in the face of an explicit and legitimate request, the manufacturer / seller, especially because it is an inexpensive thing, must bear it.

    Yes, of course, I'm referring to the original DMM plugin, not the GP one, of course.

    Il problema è principalmente degli utenti, i team possono anche ignorarlo. Se io acquisto decoder dreambox, come sto facendo da diversi anni, mi aspetto anche che ci sia collaborazione alla soluzione di problemi che si dovessero presentare anche direttamente dalla casa madre. Il problema da me esposto per il produttore sarebbe di facilissima implementazione e soluzione. Se non viene fatto, pur costando molto poco alla DMM, è segno di mancata cura dell'utente, che prima di acquistare nuovamente Dreambox ci penserà 2 volte o più.

    The problem is mainly with users, teams can also ignore it. If I purchase dreambox decoders, as I have been doing for several years, I also expect that there will be collaboration in the solution of problems that may also arise directly from the parent company. The problem I have exposed for the manufacturer would be very easy to implement and solve. If it is not done, even if it costs very little to the DMM, it is a sign of lack of care for the user, who will think twice or more about it before buying Dreambox again.

    Buongiorno a tutti,

    spero di essere nel posto giusto per la richiesta che intendo fare.

    Con le immagini DMM originali, non personalizzate dai Team, la pressione del tasto blu porta al menù delle estensioni DMM che includono anche i comandi per attivazione/disattivazione PIP, cambio finestra, spostamento finestra. Con la personalizzazione dei vari Team di supporto, tale tasto viene assegnato al raggiungimento del Blue Panel elaborato dai Team. Capita in alcune immagini che il menù di cui sopra diventi irrangiungibile.

    Pertanto chiedo: è possibile inserire tra le opzioni selezionabili nella programmazione dei tasti colorati del plugin Quickbutton setup anche il collegamento a tale menù delle estensioni? Grazie

    Hello everyone,

    I hope to be in the right place for the request I intend to make.

    With the original DMM images, not customized by the Teams, pressing the blue button takes you to the DMM extensions menu which also includes the commands for activating / deactivating PIP, window change, window movement. With the personalization of the various Support Teams, this key is assigned when the Blue Panel elaborated by the Teams is reached. It happens in some images that the above menu becomes unreachable.

    Therefore I ask: is it possible to insert the connection to this extension menu among the options that can be selected in the programming of the colored buttons of the Quickbutton setup plugin? Thank you


    I don't know if I expressed myself well. If you select "Delete before search, keep feed" in the channel search, I expect that the channels that are found that were already in the favorites will be put back in the favorite list. This happens with "sat" channels, but not with "dtt" channels. Is it possible to verify and eventually resolve? Or is it a topic not worthy of attention?

    On my DM920 UHD usually connected to the network with an ethernet cable, I wanted to try to use an original DMM WiFi USB stick for the connection, the white one, which I had received together with the purchase of my previous DM7080. The same key had been used successfully with a different brand modem from the current one. Now I use a modem supplied by the Wind Tre telephone operator in Italy for a connection in FTTH 1000 Mb, marked Zyxel Home & Life. But the DM920 does not memorize the password and, even if the WiFi key is recognized, the network remains inactive. If you try again, the connection asks for the password again, but does not memorize it. Same thing it did with the previous modem / router of another Fastweb operator, Fastgate modem produced by Askey. To activate the connection successfully, you must press the WPS button on the modem and connect in the time available. Of course, all the other devices I own connect regularly to entering the password.


    Good morning,

    when performing a channel search with active the delete before search and keep feed option, the channels that are found by the satellite are kept and displayed regularly in the list of favorites. DTT channels, however, are no longer visible in the favorites list, and their name is preceded by "</>". Is it possible to solve? Thank you.

    Good afternoon,

    I would like to ask a question regarding the update of the "zImage-rescue-3.14-r0-dm920". I performed the update with the "update-rescue -v" command, having a DMM image of July 2019 in the flash. I would like to know if you updated me to the last available rescue, or took into account the age of the flash image? Is there a command to check which version of "zimage-rescue-3.14-r0-dm920" is installed? Thanks so much.

    Sorry, I still ask for help, if possible for the PIP function. Some misunderstandings even for the language. I found the "qbuttonfunction.json" file that I attach and that I copied to / etc / enigma2, I think I understand that it should be used to be able to select with Quick Button Setup a function other than those present and therefore also access to the menu where there is the activation of the PIP and other related functions (change selection, move, deactivate). But I am unaware of what still needs to be done, maybe you also need to edit the file with instructions. Can you help me?

    Thank you
