Beiträge von FoxyRabbit

    Yes sorry @m0rphU!

    Picture with working transparent selectionPixmap is a normal list looking very nice. We can see background through the glass (selectionPixmap).

    <widget name="config" position="70,160" size="695,390" itemHeight="30" selectionPixmap="PP-Standard-HD/selectionPixmap/selectionPixmap30x695.png" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" enableWrapAround="1" backgroundColor="Listbackground" transparent="1" />

    The second picture is a rendered Listbox converted with TemplatedMultiContent. The selection graphic gets tranparent, but we now see the defined sizes of the content inside. And its not even tranparent to the bakground image. This problem is for every screen with rendered Listbox I have tested.

    <widget source="menu" render="Listbox" position="50,120" size="422,480" selectionPixmap="PP-Standard-HD/selextionPixmap/selectionPixmap40x695.png" scrollbarMode="showNever" enableWrapAround="1" transparent="1"  >
    			<convert type="TemplatedMultiContent">
            {"template": [
                    MultiContentEntryText(pos = (32,5),size = (322,30),flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_TOP,text = 0),# index 0 is the MenuText,
            "fonts": [gFont("ppRegular",24)],
            "itemHeight": 40

    I have tried with many color attributes to see if I could get templated lists tranparent also, but with no luck.

    It would be awesome if there is a solution to this. :grinning_squinting_face:

    I am experiemnting with making selextionPixmap graphics transparent in my skin. I have made pixmaps that look like glass. This works very nicely with lists not using render="Listbox" with TemplatedMultiContent converter. With these lists the pixmap gets transparent, but its only transparent into the multicontent items, an not further back to my background image.

    Is there attributes to use for this to work as it does for normal lists? Or is the limitation within python stuff?

    Hi again!

    Have noticed that plugin description showing in menus is wrong when no description is defined for the I registered this for PluginHider.

    Desciption shown for PluginHider is:

    and so on...

    This problem is only for the new widget name="description" used in Default skin, and not in Default-HD who yet uses another way of showing the description.

    Could you define description in this plugins py file and make it possible that such scenarios does not return eny description at all? Does not look good on screen. Better without any description.


    Trying to uninstall a package through a plugin wich use Console. Have tried everything I think. Have tried this:

    command="apt-get update; apt-get remove package"
    command="apt-get update; apt-get remove package_1.0_all"
    command="apt-get update; apt-get remove package_1.0_all.deb"

    Using the first command in telnet does the work. also "opkg remove package" work fine. Have tried the last one from Console also, but getting "E: Unable to locate package package"

    The package was installed through another plugin with Console with no problem. I have double checked that the package is installed.

    Am I missing something that I should have known? :smiling_face:

    No problem! :smiling_face:

    @Reichi, could you just tell me how E2 these days loads both original mo files upon E2 startup. Thinking about and Where does this happen (python files?) and is it possible to add my own custom mo file (for my developed image) beeing loaded with those two files at startup? Maybe I am thinking too easy here...

    I have lots of eLabel text= in my custom skin.xml which I want to translate. In other words, I want to translate custom text implemented into dream property screens in my skin.xml. This does not happen if the text does not match in one of those original mo files.

    My wish is to make it possible to merge custom mo files from developers upon start of E2. Just as easy as dumping custom mo files into to the already existing translatin folder (ex: /usr/share/enigma2/po/no/LC_MESSAGES), and E2 will load it. Is that an idea or impossible?

    I dont know if this is the right place, but could you get this text into translation. I think evenryone wants to translate the plugin description for the new MediaCenter plugin.

    def Plugins(**kwargs):
    return [
    description="Play and watch all your media",
    where=[ PluginDescriptor.WHERE_EXTENSIONSMENU, PluginDescriptor.WHERE_PLUGINMENU ],

    description="Play and watch all your media",

    Both of this "description="Play and watch all your media"," is what I want to translate.


    Further testing tells us that this happens when either DVB or TTX subtitles are selected when pushing <pause> on remote control. If unselected no GSOD while timeshifting. If permanent timeshift is installed it also gives GSOD when backwarding timeshift.

    @Reichi, is this something you can comment?

    This is just perfect until the provider implements language strings for each teletext number. It was the numbers we wanted. By adding the numbers to codec text, everybody will know that the language for the number still is <unknown>. Perfect!

    Over time users wil memorize numbers with different languages, so starting with showing the numbers are just perfect. In most cases the same number will be used for same language anyway. Our image users complained about this, and now they will be satified I think. But yes, we will try to contact the provider for missing language strings.

    Will you patch this into git some day? I think more out there than me will be more than satisfied with this "fix". One less file for me to play with in my repository would be nice too. :smiling_face:

    Edit: By the way, if I leave the subtitle setup screen on TV for more than 5 minutes, the HEX numbers seems to correct itself!

    Thanks @Ghost! :thumbs_up:

    This returns a better result than OpenPli in my opinion. By adding TTX numbers to codec text column was a smart one. Cause we may still dont know which language we get for each teletext page. BUT, there may still be a small issue with some page numbers (getPageNumber) returning hex numbers. Like TTX 7fe or 1a0 or 1fe as exampels. SVT1 channel with 10 TTX pages is the only channel I have found with some hex numbers of the 10 numbers. It is always the last 2-3 numbers or so.

    Attachment: picture of channel SVT1 with unknown language, and Viasat Film Action with known language.