Beiträge von FoxyRabbit


    "Framerate": (self.FRAMERATE, (iPlayableService.evVideoFramerateChanged,)),


    "Framerate": (self.FRAMERATE, (iPlayableService.evVideoProgressiveChanged, iPlayableService.evVideoFramerateChanged)),

    in the latest from DP will fix the problem with framerate not beeing updatet until hard e2 restart.

    Is there a issue that prevent iPlayableService.evVideoFramerateChanged not to update framerate alone?

    Ah, so the videoformat is e.g. 1080i50, and the framerate for it is 25 frames pr. second? 50 fields and 25 fps...

    If thats the case I finally understand! Got mislead by the calculation that used framerates to calculate fields. But thats natural if you know the science behind it!

    Then my code above is uncorrect. Will correct that!

    But there is still a problem with latest code from DP wich does not show framerate when using "Framerate" option, after latest changes. Did notice though that if we hard restartet E2, the fps shows up again. Changing a skin (e2 restart), and the fps is gone. Hard restart, its back, and so on.

    Dont understand why video size and framrate should be merged together in the new VideoParams option ("1080i50"). It does not look good, and I am pretty sure that someone does not understand the last part of it as long as it does not mention "fps". In my opinion those two data should be separated options since we already have the "Framerate" option. The best way would be to return it like this:

    VideoSize= "1080i"
    Framerate= "50 fps"

    and we could discuss if there should be a merged option that looks something like this:

    VideoParams= "1080i 50 fps"

    someone else with some thoughts?

    Fiddled around a bit and just copied som code of the new VideoParams for Framerate wich does not work in the moment.

    This works like a charm.

    This will also fix returned value for "Framerate" option for interlaced videos as discussed earlier.

    This converter has the option "Framerate". Then it should work to return the framerate wherever or whenever you want.

    So either should the "Framerate" option be removed from the converter, or fixed back to previous state that worked perfect, or the new VideoParams could be splitted to separate framerate from it, to be used for the "Framerate" option.

    My suggestion is to fix back previos code for framerate.


    In our image we have shown framrate of TV picture in our InfoBar. After latest update it dissapeared. Tried to go back to old code i, but still missing fps in InfoBar. Is it possible to get back the posibillity to show framrate of TV signal?

    Framerate in MoviePlayer works OK.

    Hi again,

    Did not notice yesterday that I now get an non exit error when building images. The error says:

    NOTE: multiple providers are available for runtime enigma2-plugins-po (enigma2-plugins-po, enigma2-plugins)
    NOTE: consider defining a PREFERRED_RPROVIDER entry to match enigma2-plugins-po
    ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'python-daap' (but /home/ppteam/dreambox/krogoth/opendreambox/meta-opendreambox/recipes-dreambox/enigma2/ DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it). Close matches:

    Have not noticed anything wrong with the images built, should I be worried?

    Thanks Ghost! The last one did the trick! :thumbs_up:

    This time I had no SRC_REV to use cause all I saw on git was exactly the same as in my distro. And the INHERIT method just suites me fine! :grinning_squinting_face:

    Could you just explain to me why "what you see is not what you get" from git? I have alway thought that the MASTER sign there is the mark for what you get or not. Obviosly that is wrong for at least enigma2-plugins. And I think I got plenty of other things more up to date with INHERIT. Just trying to understand whats happening "behind the scene". :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    Hi thanks for answering!

    Yes, have done that. SDK up to date.

    What I find strange is that my are exactly the same as opendreambox recipe, but the latest changes ex. in EPGRefresh (gutemines epg reset) is not built with this recipe. And it seems that this is master, from what I can see. Dreamboxupdate package is containing latest changes.


    Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I cant get down the latest changes for this plugin package. Dreamboxupdate seems to have latest files, so wondering why.

    I have done the usual "git pull" and results says everything is up to date. I am using "krogoth" branch. In desperation I did a git pull origin master and found some problems, fixed it and still behind with this package. Maybe its more pakages, but this one is in focus now.

    Looking at srcrev in our repo looks that I have the same as the one in opendreambox. For feed in dreamboxupdate it looks lik a newer srcrev.

    Be patient, I am totally an idiot with git, also! :frowning_face:

    Thanks for answering @m0rphU!

    It certanly is varios languages in both 4.8E and 0.8E satellites. They are delivering EPG for different nordic countries. Norwegian, Svedish and danish.

    Thanks for the tips about SQLite and dvbsnopp! Will look more into that.

    I will take a trip over to enigma2 IRC channel and look for further help. Who do you think I should talk to there?

    Next event in epgcache would normally be (and is similar in python for webinterface and the most used (renderer) wich many uses:

    eventNext = self.epgcache.lookupEvent(['IBDCTSERNX', (ref.toString(), 1, -1)])
    nextEventName = eventNext[0][4]

    I played a bit with python and managed to find the right EPG with this code:

    eventNext = self.epgcache.lookupEvent(['IBDCTSERNX', (ref.toString(), 1, -1, -1)])
    nextEventName = eventNext[1][4]

    I now asume my new code will mess it up when other languages is used, or when my image is used in other countries. I have a rule, do not fix code to fix a personal problem. It will most likely fuck up for everybody else. Not a good solution :face_with_tongue:

    But why is it right in epg.db and not in cache, thats what someone has to look into. :smiling_face:

    This is a very annoying problem we have in Scandinavia with 0.8 Thor and 4.8 Sirius. And I dont think it has to do with that.

    If we go to channelselection and push INFO, the next event name is correct, and not in webinterface next event. In WebIf the next event name has danish language

    In screen channelselection we also have a custom renderer that shows us the next event. This renderer also shows the wrong danish epgs for next event. The same as in WebInterface.

    I have studied python and find that the renderer and webif seems to use eEPGCache, and Channelselection EPG does not.

    My question is, does the shown epg has something to do with language chosen? And where should we look (python, settings, etc.) to get the right EPG for renderer and webinterface? Is this a bug? I dont know...