DM800 Advanced tuner configuration question

  • DM800

    Confused about the “ Tone mode “ setting ! Can somebody be kind enough to explain how to use the “Tone mode “
    setting (Band, on, off) in the advanced tuner configuration window for Disecq 1.2.
    What does the setting do, when is it appropriate to use “Band” , “On” or “Off” ?


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von soidog2 ()

  • Tone on is 22khz
    Tone off is 0khz

    Use these if your using a 22khz switch

    Tone band is when your using a universal lnb that has two lof's lof/l and lof/h. Its a simple calculation the dreambox makes to know if it'll use lof/l 0khz or use the lof/h 22khz.