Can netcaster handle those streams ?

  • Hello,
    Where i live the connection speed of the internet is not far as good as in Europe.
    I'm used to listen to internetradio from Belgium on my PC.
    They have 3 different streams for each radio, for example :

    The low stream equals 16 kbps/sec, the mid 32kbps/sec and the high one 96 kbps/sec

    On the PC i can listen to the three streams, but the high one is to fast for my internet, it gives many breaks. The mid stream is just fine.

    On the Dreambox there is internetactivity when connecting to the low and mid stream, but there is no sound.
    The high stream gives sound, but is to fast to make continuos listening possible.

    What is the lowest rate the netcaster can use ?
    Is it possible to configure this rate ?


  • Hello,
    I'm disapointed that there are no answers for this problem.
    In the meantime I've downloaded an image from a Dutch guy called milo and installed his netcaster plugin.
    In the info of netcaster it says it has been patched and yes !!! the mid stream is now giving sound on the dreambox.
    So I hope this patch will become standard in the plugin.