• When I attach a hard drive to the DM7025, the drive spins all the time.This burned out the drive. I think this is a problem with the power supply. I tried a differnt image to rule out that problem. Has anyone had this problem and if so, can the box be repaired ? Thanks for the help.

  • that wont burn the drive out, starting and stopping is harder on it I bet. I disable the hdd spindown on all my pvr's its friggin anoying.

    look into hdparm, you should see it in the startup scripts. that'll determine how long your hdd sits idle before spinning down.

    if your hdd doesnt support these commands, like usb hdd etc, you'll see an error in dmesg.

  • Thanks for the reply. I do not think it is a script issue. If i erase the image on the box and then connect the power to the drive, it will spin up and keep spinning....Does this make sense ????

  • the startup script tells the drive to spin down after X amount of time, by default a hdd will never spin down. so either your image isnt telling the hdd to spin down, or it is, but the hdd doesnt support it. hdparm will output an error if this is the case.