• Please provide some information about the hard- and software used.

    Box type: 5620
    GUI (enigma1/enigma2): enigma1
    Firmware version: 1.08

    your question

    I got a very serious problem with my DM 5620. There were some sparks in the powerboard and then the box didn't boot just entered an endless "5600 boot" cycle. It did not respond to DreamUp and I could see nothing in Hyperterminal either. I took it to the service they fixed the power problem but could not do anything with the booting one. They also tried to load a bootloader by jtag but it did not respond. Finally, I was told the flash had died and no chance to repair the box.
    I would like to ask someone who has an unused, old, remaining in stock 5620 motherboard to sell it to me for a reasonable price.

    I appreciate any help