Help .. to recover my previous file

  • I have new DM 500S there was Conf Files in \Var & \etc.
    I reset the factory setting then i lost my configuration setting in Var & etc.. Is there anyway to restore it back??

    Please somebody help me .

    Box type:[500S]
    [b]GUI (enigma1/enigma2):

    Firmware version:

    your question

  • Sorry... but I'm afraid there're no chances. Factory reset really means "factory reset".
    And, as expressly declared on the screen before confirming the operation,


    "When you do a factory reset, you will lost ALL your configuration data
    (including bouquets, services, satellite data...)

    Sorry... :loudly_crying_face:

    DM 920UHD - DM Two - DM One - DM 7020HD-v2 - DM 7020HD