Dreambox 7000 HDD problem

  • Hi,
    i had a DM7000 with working HDD.

    I inserted CF card, installed bootmanager and another image onto the card.
    Box booted up but the HDD was missing.
    I removed boot manager, CF card, did flash-erase and installed image back to flash with DreamUP. But the HDD was still missing :frowning_face:

    After I turn on the box, the HDD starts to spin up and then shuts ifself down in a second.

    HDD is OK - it has been checked with a PC.

    I checked the kernel log and there was an error:

    ide0: Wait for ready failed before probe

    I searched Dreamboard and came up with these threads:
    Problem mit Samsung Festplatte 1204H &
    Festplatten werde nicht erkannt

    As my understanding of German language is close to zero, I can only guess what are the suggestions: to cut the first wire of an IDE cable or to use an external power supply. Can anybody please confirm that I understood these suggestions correctly.

    Strangest thing is, that this HDD used to work just fine, until I inserted the CF card. Any ideas why it stopped working?

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von kainvaljaots ()