• Hello Developers,

    Is it possible to make AddPopup show up the Popup above a listbox ?

    This is the problem : I select an item from a listbox - the item executes and calls AddPopup. I have to exit from the listbox (back key) and only then the Popup shows (the position of the Popup does not matter). I tried with zPosition=1, 2 etc in the Messagebox skin and that does not help.

    If there is a succession of listboxes (from Menu.xml) I have to exit from all of them one by one before the Popup shows up !

    Any advice please ?

    Regards, pcd.

  • Simple advice: don't use notifications.
    They are not made for this scenario and will only show up in certain situations.

    If you want an instant message just use a MessageBox instead.

    Homescreen eurer Apple-Geräte noch nicht voll genug?

    dreaMote: Fernbedienung für Dreamboxen
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    My Home Remote: Fernkontrolle für Homematic CCU/CCU2 optimiert für mobile Benutzung

  • ritzMo: His main-screen with the list will be hidden if he opens a new MessageBox. I guess he needs something like this:

    MfG Ali

    DM8000 | DM8000 | DM500HD | DM500HD | DM7020S

    while [ 1 ]
    	echo "i love my dreams!!!"
    	sleep 1
  • Thank you both.

    ritzMo :

    As the list is from a ChoiceBox I cannot use a MessageBox next because that gives the error :-

    modal open are allowed only from a screen which is modal!

    There must be a way - but I have not found it yet. :smiling_face:

    AliAbdul1978 :

    I will try your suggestion. Thanks.

    Regards, pcd.

  • Do you open the MessageBox in the __init__ part? You must let python init the complete screen before starting a new one.

    MfG Ali

    DM8000 | DM8000 | DM500HD | DM500HD | DM7020S

    while [ 1 ]
    	echo "i love my dreams!!!"
    	sleep 1