Boot line in bios

  • Hi M8`s

    Hope there are somebody out there that will use some time telling me about a line in bios.

    When I go in the bios of the 800 and go into the “boot” there is a line “kernel command line”.
    In this line its written “console=ttyS0,115200 ip= nfsroot= root/dev/nfs rw”

    The command “console” I know, but what about the “ip” and “nfsroot” ?
    Properly its some ip from router/pc or the 800!! I don’t know but hope that someone does :smiling_face:

    Right now when I enable the line the box “hang” under the boot by the line “/flash/vmlinux.gz” and properly because the line is wrong.
    When disable the line the box work perfect.
    But I need to change the baudrate on the comport, so it has to be enable in my case.

    I don’t know if those info could help : ip= undernetmask= gateway= and the dreambox ip=

    Hope there are somebody that can help me setup this line right.

    If more info needed to set it up the ask please.

    btw. you can answer back in german, its okay :winking_face:

    Kindly regards.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MegaTechMann ()

  • tmbinc, one of the developer boots via tftp and NFS the entire OS of the dreambox via the net for development purpose

    I think the line is kept in the loader as an example for people who want to do the same.

    So unless you have a development OE on a Linux PC with nfs and tftp enabled so that you can do the same it doesn't make sense to enable this line at all.


  • Thanks for your answer, gutemine.
    But i want to change the baudrate from 115200 to 19200.
    How can i do that instead ?
    I tried to remove the line so i only have "console=ttyS0,19200" standing there. But again the 800 "hang" under the boot by the line "/flash/vmlinux.gz"

    Hope there is an answer for it :smiling_face:


  • doing this in the autoexec.bat which you find at /boot is a better idea then using the bios.

    /flash/vmlinux.gz console=ttys0,115200