AutoTimer Italian locale

  • Hi!
    Here's the Italian Locale for Autotimer.
    I can't make working the strings under "Setup" menu (Poll automatically", "Poll Interval", and so on) but I saw that they don't work also in DE locale... maybe something wrong, I guess...

    Spaeleus - linsat team

    PS: 04/08/2008 17:48 zip updated with xml strings.

  • Thanks, commited to CVS (+ I fixed the translation issues in the settings dialog ;)).

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    Mobile WOL: Wake-on-LAN Client für iOS mit optionalem Widget
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    Originally posted by ritzMo
    Thanks, commited to CVS (+ I fixed the translation issues in the settings dialog ;)).

    Hello again! I'm afraid I found another problem.
    Into the main screen, when I try to add a new Autotimer (BLUE button) enigma2 crashes, with the errorlog in attachment.
    It tries to open


    that is not present.
    Thank you for your help!

  • Use a more recent version (or don't use the wizard, see setup for this), this issue was fixed yesterday :winking_face:

    Homescreen eurer Apple-Geräte noch nicht voll genug?

    dreaMote: Fernbedienung für Dreamboxen
    Mobile WOL: Wake-on-LAN Client für iOS mit optionalem Widget
    My Home Remote: Fernkontrolle für Homematic CCU/CCU2 optimiert für mobile Benutzung

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by ritzMo
    Use a more recent version (or don't use the wizard, see setup for this), this issue was fixed yesterday :winking_face:

    Thanks! My CVS was compiled just yesterday... I'm afraid before your fix! Bye!

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