Dreambox per Internet - neuer FTP Downloader

  • Neuer FTP Downloader

    Die Dreambox kann 100% per Internet kontrolliert werden.
    Nur der FTP Download eines Filmes hat seine Haken.
    Wo in den etlichen Gigabyte hört die Werbung auf und wo fängt der Film an?

    Wie kann ich einen abgebrochenen Download AUTOMATISCH fortsetzen lassen ?

    Wie kann ich die DSL Bandbreite schonen ?

    Mit herkömmlichen FTP Programmen ist dies nicht komfortabel möglich.
    Es fehlt eine Vorschau Funktion, die es ermöglicht in den Film reinzuschauen, bevor man ihn runterlädt.

    Dafür gibt es jetzt ein neues Open Source Tool von ElmueSoft:

    Download hier:
    Partial FTP Downloader

    Elmü (von ElmüSoft)

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/PartialFTPDownloader/FtpDownloader.gif]

    (Sorry, dass dieses Forum die Bilder verkrüppelt, klicke auf das Bild um es richtig zu sehen!)

    Detaillierte Beschreibung:

    I'm sharing a Dreambox with a friend.
    The Dreambox can be completely remote-controlled via Internet. (Obviously you need DynDns and an open FTP and HTTP port in your router)
    So if you live in Brazil and have a friend in Germany who has a dreambox, you can remotely record the German television program and later download it.
    You can also use a dreambox to share a Pay-TV subscription with a friend.

    Normally if you want to record a film which starts at 20:00 and ends at 22:00, you will program a timer from 21:55 till 22:30 to be sure that you don't miss anything if the transmission starts delayed. But a DVB stream creates between 20 and 50 Megabytes per minute (depending on the TV channel's bitrate). So it would be a great advantage if you can download only the interesting part. To download only the film and exclude the news and advertising I needed a preview function. My friend complained that I was occupying all his DSL upstream to load the films. So additionally a bandwidth control and a download scheduler were required.
    All this is realized in this project.


    * Purpose: Download files from an FTP server.
    * Multiple split files on the server are automatically put together to one file when downloaded.
    * Partial downloads are possible: You can specify a start and an end position between which the file is downloaded.
    * The preview function allows to download little chunks in fixed distances, so you get a lot of screen shots of the film.
    * All program settings are stored in an XML file, so if a download was aborted you can resume by simply hitting the "Start" button, even after shutting down the computer. The password is stored encrypted and can only be decrypted by the same user who encrypted it.

    * Bandwidth control: A maximum transfer rate can be defined.
    * Download scheduler: You can specify a start time and end time between which the program downloads, for example during the night and during the day but not in the evening (23:00 - 18:00).
    * Additionally the program can be started with a commandline parameter so an external scheduler like for example PTBSync from ElmüSoft can shut down your PC and wake it up automatically from hibernation and then start the FtpDownloader at a certain time with the parameter "/Run".
    You can also put a shortcut with the parameter /Run into your Autostart folder in start menu to continue a download when your Windows starts up.
    * When you minimize the window, the program sits in the IconTray and the tooltip shows the progress.
    The color of the icon changes to green while a download is running and to red after an error.
    * If an Internet or server error occurs during a download, the program automatically keeps on trying to reconnect / download every minute.
    * A detailed logging (resizable) shows all errors and success messages and the current download progress.
    If compiled in Debug mode, you additionally see more details in the Trace debug output.

    * Some FTP servers (like the dreambox) send Unicode filenames (e.g. in Russian, Greek, Japanese) UTF8 encoded. You cannot read anything if your FTP program does not support UTF encoding.

    With the checkbox "UTF8" you can toggle the display of filenames:

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Starwalker ()