USB2HDD plugin

  • I'm too layz - simply Flash an image with the USB drivers in kernel like OoZooN to your 800, and install the ipk when your USB harddisk is attached (and no SATA used), then the ipk will format it for you and mount it on /media/hdd via fstab so that it works like an internal SATA

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by gutemine
    I'm too layz - simply Flash an image with the USB drivers in kernel like OoZooN to your 800, and install the ipk when your USB harddisk is attached (and no SATA used), then the ipk will format it for you and mount it on /media/hdd via fstab so that it works like an internal SATA

    thx gutermine

    Is it ok to use the plugin with Enigma 3.5 or not? And how/where do i install Barry Allen afterwards. I'm new to the Dreambox?

    All the best

  • you install BA first, because it has to use the /dev/scsi/host0 device, then you can add the USB hardddisk, and hope that it will be detected at /dev/scsi/host1 and then the usb2hdd ipk should be able to handle this situation properly. BUT this is not fully tested yet

    better would be getting an internal sata harddisk :smiling_face: