problem with pluggin LINK WEB BROWSER

  • problem with pluggin LINK WEB BROWSER

    I have installed correctly
    I execute correctly but the navigator in the television appears off-center, I cannot see the above left margin.
    anybody knows as the image can be centered?

    Ich habe richtig angebracht mich durchführe richtig, aber der Nautiker im Fernsehen sieht, ich kann nicht den oben genannten linken Seitenrand sehen exzentrisch aus. jedes weiß, während das Bild zentriert werden kann? Danke

    Dreambox 500
    Gemini 3.60
    Landisk Conceptronic 180Gb
    MotSat3 with disecq 4x1

  • i have already the solution
    in options, go to html options...

    text margin=change 0 for 7

    save html options

    all ok

    Dreambox 500
    Gemini 3.60
    Landisk Conceptronic 180Gb
    MotSat3 with disecq 4x1

  • still cannot see left margin
    and I've try to increase text margin value but not move

    Is there any other way to set it up?


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von sk8ergeek ()

  • I highly would like to discourage you using Links. Go look for "Konqueror" on a board which is named after a statement of Martin Luther King. It fully support HTML and also provides HTTPS.


    Dreambox 800/7020, 250 GB HDD, 100 Mbit Lan