Dm8000 Dvd?

  • I'm interested about Dreambox DM8000 when it will be released... Main question I have is that can one watch DVD-movies with the (optional?) embedded DVD-drive and record TV-channel(s) same time? And how is PiP?

    Thank you for any information you can provide :smiling_face:


  • hi

    I don't think the 8000 arrive at all,
    It's nearly 3 years since we saw the first picture off it and if it will be released now with the hardware from then, then the box will be "to old" before it will be released

  • Well, I do think they will have modified to be "this day hardware", and that takes tiem ofcourse, but how long will it take? I mean ofcourse we would all like to see DM8000, but they should just say so if it won't come soon, and/or ever...

  • 3 - they had decided to completely redo the concept and the main board for various reasons.


    Dreambox 800/7020, 250 GB HDD, 100 Mbit Lan