dvbsnoop and 7025

  • Hello,
    Dvbsnoop is included in the cvs, but is it working ?
    Giving the command
    "dvbsnoop -s pidscan" gives the copyright information and then a mention that transponder is scanned, but nothing happens and the box hangs.

    I used it in the latest ozoon image and before with the dream soft,but without any result.
    Any help is welcome.


  • with latest (20070312) drivers box not hangs, but kernel crashing in xilleon driver
    using -s pidscan. other features of dvbsnoop seems to work.

  • Hallo

    Beim neusten ozoon und der Eingabe von "dvbsnoop -s pidscan" geschieht immer noch nichts.

    Weiss jemand Rat? oder geht es mit gewissen Optionen?

    Vielen Dank
