compilation problem under Ubuntu 6.10

  • hi

    I tried to compile img for DM7020 , I use Ubuntu 6.10
    I get this error

    NOTE: package glibc-intermediate-2.3.2+cvs20040726-r22: task do_patch: completed
    NOTE: package glibc-intermediate-2.3.2+cvs20040726-r22: task do_configure: started
    NOTE: package glibc-intermediate-2.3.2+cvs20040726-r22: task do_configure: completed
    NOTE: package glibc-intermediate-2.3.2+cvs20040726-r22: task do_compile: started
    ERROR: function do_compile failed

    the log :

    In file included from version.c:33:
    /home/ham/openembedded/build/tmp/work/glibc-intermediate-2.3.2+cvs20040726-r22/build-powerpc-linux/csu/version-info.h:1: error: missing terminating " character
    /home/ham/openembedded/build/tmp/work/glibc-intermediate-2.3.2+cvs20040726-r22/build-powerpc-linux/csu/version-info.h:2: error: missing terminating " character
    /home/ham/openembedded/build/tmp/work/glibc-intermediate-2.3.2+cvs20040726-r22/build-powerpc-linux/csu/version-info.h:3: error: missing terminating " character
    /home/ham/openembedded/build/tmp/work/glibc-intermediate-2.3.2+cvs20040726-r22/build-powerpc-linux/csu/version-info.h:4: error: missing terminating " character
    version.c:40: error: parse error before string constant
    make[2]: *** [/home/ham/openembedded/build/tmp/work/glibc-intermediate-2.3.2+cvs20040726-r22/build-powerpc-linux/csu/version.o] Error 1

    there is a similar problem for compiling dm7000 img under Ubuntu here , but solved

    Fehler mit Ubuntu 6.10

    any advise plz


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von karlmoran ()

  • Hi karlmoran,

    there is indeed a bug within the version-info.h file when using the current defaults
    (have not yet tested more recent ones).
    There first three or four lines have missing terminating " (quotes).
    Just add the missing terminating quotes and start the "run.do_compile..." again manually.
    When the compile succeded, start "make -f Makefile-opendreambox image" again.


    DM900 SS, DM8000SSSS
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