Problem flashing DM7025

  • Box type: DM7025
    GUI (enigma1/enigma2): Engima2
    Firmware version: Engima v2.0.0120200601121943

    Hi :smiling_face:
    I am unable to get my new DM7025 to boot into the "second stage loader" so I can reflash my box.

    The following instructions have been carefully followed :
    However, when "Pressing and holding the lower frontpanel button" and "switching the unit on" from the power on/off button (at the back of the unit) it always comes up with :

    myDM7025's IP-Address
    Boot #41 (20060111)

    and just "seems" to hang...

    Unfortunately, my laptop/notebook does not have a COM port so I cannot try with DreamUP.

    Any suggestions/help... Would be greatly appreciated.

    ciao for now,


    PS - I have a DM7020 as well and have never had a problem before using this approach.

  • It really looks like your 2nd stage loader is messed up when it never reaches "*** STOP ***" in the LCD.

    Try pressing both "up" and "down" when powering up the box. This will reset the configuration of the 2nd stage loader to default values (it's using DHCP then, take care).

    If even that fails, you need to reflash the box using DreamUp.

    As long as your laptop has got at least one usb port all is fine. Just buy an usb-serial converter (and a zero modem cable if you don't have one till now) and use this with DreamUp. They're really cheap these days, around 10€ for the converter and 1-2€ for the zero modem cable.

  • Well it turns out to be an "unknown gremlin"; as almost everytime this morning it is booting up into the second stage loader...

    _i honestly am doing nothing different from yesterday - cie la vie_

    ...up and running - thx.