Unresolveable symbol building CVS

  • Some information about the hard- and software used.

    Box type: DM 500 T
    GUI: Enigma1

    I'm trying to build CVS with the flash-plugin_movieplayer. It was going well before 'make rebuild-flash'. When I try that it says:

    971 symbols, 10 unresolved
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/naula/cvs/root/cdkflash/mklibs.py", line 437, in ?
        raise "Unresolvable symbol " + symbol
    Unresolvable symbol _ZN9eMPConfig13getVideoParmsE7eStringS0_
    make[1]: *** [/home/naula/cvs/root/cdkflash/.lib] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/naula/cvs/cdk'
    make: *** [rebuild-flash] Error 2

    So, I'm asking how to deal with this problem.


  • This function is in apps/tuxbox/enigma/lib/movieplayer/mpconfig.cpp, if I remember correctly. For some reason your enigma build is not picking up the file.

    Regards, pcd.