Beiträge von naula

    Some information about the hard- and software used.

    Box type: DM 500 T
    GUI: Enigma1

    I'm trying to build CVS with the flash-plugin_movieplayer. It was going well before 'make rebuild-flash'. When I try that it says:

    971 symbols, 10 unresolved
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/naula/cvs/root/cdkflash/", line 437, in ?
        raise "Unresolvable symbol " + symbol
    Unresolvable symbol _ZN9eMPConfig13getVideoParmsE7eStringS0_
    make[1]: *** [/home/naula/cvs/root/cdkflash/.lib] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/naula/cvs/cdk'
    make: *** [rebuild-flash] Error 2

    So, I'm asking how to deal with this problem.


    The information about the hard- and software used.

    Box type: DM 500 T
    GUI: Enigma1
    Firmware version: 1.08

    Here in Finland the subtitling of the TV programs is very important, at least for me. The DVB subtitles doesn't work with Dreamboxes. The single subtitle lines are dropped all the time. The faster they come the more are not shown on TV and it's very annoying. I have tried those subtitle plugins (bullz_text and gSUB) but there are problems with those also.

    For me this is the biggest problem of the dm500. Otherwise it's a good product with decent price, but I think the subtitling problem spoils the whole thing.

    So, DMM team, are you going to fix the DVB subtitling?
