Developing a UDP client for VLC

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    I am trying to write a UDP client plugin for streaming from vlc. Streaming works with http, but is sometimes uncertain. So I want to try UDP.

    First I start the VLC udp streaming of a video with the command line :-

    :sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=(receiver ip):9090}}

    I can see the wireless light blinking at the receiver end indicating the stream reaching there. Then with :-

    fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) ;

    I get fd = 65. Also with :-

    rc = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&ads, adsLen) ;

    I get connect success (i.e. rc = 0). However, then with :-

    len = recv(fd, tempBuffer, BLOCKSIZE, 0);

    I get no success from recv (i.e. len = -1). Could the experts please suggest if I missed out a step ? Perhaps 'connect' is not appropriate with UDP ?

    Regards, pcd.