automount daemon & plugin - here it comes ...

  • Hallo Leute !

    nachdem ich es geschafft habe vom USB stick zu booten ist mir ein bischen fad (nur das multiboot zu debuggen ist nicht wirklich seligmachend) und das Wochenende naht ...

    Nach kurzer medidation über die verschiedenen Wünsche nach einen USB/PC/NFS mount plugin habe ich mir gedacht anstatt das Rad neu zu erfinden wäre es doch gescheiter den automaount daemon auf der DM 7025 zum Laufen zu bringen.

    Dann hätte wenigstens das auto feld in der fstab einen Bedeutung :winking_face:

    Habt Ihr Feedback zu dieser idee - und wie üblich kann jemand den automount daemon für mich aus dem CSV bauen?

    Ich melde mich freiwillig es dann zum laufen zu bringen und evt ein Plugin draus zu machen, bzw. es beim cronmanager plugin dazuzutun.

    Ansonsten muss ich mich wieder mit dem lirc daemon spielen, auch interessant, aber neues Spielzeug das die Leute glücklicher macht ist immer hübscher.

    Gruss & Danke im voraus
    Hello folks !

    After I managed to get the USB Stick booting I'm a little bit bored (just debugging multiboot is not really a way to happiness), and the weekend is close ...

    So after some medidation on the various wishes for USB/PC/NFS Mount Plugins I think instead of re-inventing the wheel for manual mounts it would be better to try to make the automount dameon running on the DM 7025.

    Then the auto field in fstab would have a real meaning :winking_face:

    Any feedback on this idea, and as usually, could somebody compile it for me from the CSV - I'm volunteering to make a plugin out of it and/or to add it to the cronmanager plugin if I can get it work.

    Otherwise I have to play with the lirc dameon again - exiting, but I prefere new toys which would make more users happy.

    Thanx in advance

    6 Mal editiert, zuletzt von thowi ()

  • If getting a copy of automount keeps you from boredom during the week-end, then I feel it's almost a duty to keep up your supply of new toys... :smiling_face:

    Although it kinda makes me feel like a drug-pusher :smiling_face: :smiling_face:

    Please find attached autofs (I assume this is the automounter you wanted?) and the kernel module that you will also need. Not tested at all. autofs4.ko comes from enabling CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS as a module in kernel .config, while the user-land daemon is straight out of OpenEmbedded (bitbake autofs).


    Original von thowi
    Then the auto field in fstab would have a real meaning :winking_face:

    That's going too far, I think. The autofs daemon has it's own config file, it's not using /etc/fstab, and you would need a proper mount command (not the poor excuse that busybox provides, although even busybox is gradually improving) for the fstab file to be correctly interpreted.

    P.S. Why don't you install Linux and OpenEmbedded on your PC? OpenEmbedded would give you literally thousands of packages to play with, just by "bitbake <package_name>" and installing the resulting ipk file.... You'd never be bored again :smiling_face:

  • Thanks noggie - and regarding your worries- drug dealers give you only the first shot for free.

    Yes, autofs ist the binary I was looking for - let's see how far I can get with it.

    And regarding the auto in fstab - I know that autofs has it's own config file and everything - this is why I think a plugin would be needed so that people can easily place their (PC) mountpoints into it.

    The meaning for auto in fstab was actually a joke, because it is more try once and then forget it at the moment.

    And regarding the OpenEmbedded - well I know that it is not so difficult, but It is a little bit like when you are a child - if papa brings a present home in the evening it is MUCH more fun then if you grow up and have to buy it yourself :smiling_face:

    PS: I added some comments about the maxdevice problem I found with my USB stick - see the vmlinux.gz with USB topic for details - any idea if I could be right ?

  • Just some quick feedback until the weekend starts:

    Kernel module doesn't load - Device or resource busy error (-1) - But I have to try with a current CSV image first.

    ipk file contains autoumoun finary too - but this seems to be still compiled for Intel - typical Synatx error ( expected

    So we need some more work here ...


  • Zitat

    Original von thowi

    Kernel module doesn't load - Device or resource busy error (-1) - But I have to try with a current CSV image first.

    ipk file contains autoumoun finary too - but this seems to be still compiled for Intel - typical Synatx error ( expected

    Hmmm. I started by checking the ipk. You're quite right, the binary is for my AMD64 build machine, not for mipsel. I then started looking at the log files produced during compilation, and found that OpenEmbedded had run the configuration correctly enough, but even so the resulting Makefiles were not set up for proper cross-compilation. It could of course be that I have something wrong in my OpenEmbedded setup, but I don't think so. To me it looks as if the autoconfig files for autofs are broken as far as cross-compilation is concerned.

    Fixing that would take some effort, and I'm afraid that I feel that I've already done my share of programming this week (at work). Sorry! Hopefully someone else can step in and compile the beast.

    Since the user-land daemon doesn't work, I never even tried the kernel module. On it's own it's useless, I'm afraid.

    ------------ UPDATE -----------
    Found a recent update to the dev branch of OpenEmbedded that supplied the needed patches to cross-compile autofs. At least the binary is for the correct architecture now, but I haven't tested it further than that. Please see attachment.

    About failing to load the kernel module, I tried it on my system. I'm running the kernel from the latest official DMM image. I'm also running slightly older DMM kernel modules since the bugs introduced in the last ones are more serious on my system than the bugs they fixed. I don't think my older kernel modules should matter, and autofs4.ko loaded without errors.

  • yes, now automount in the ipk package is correctly compiled, Thanks

    Regarding kernel module - well I tested also quickly remote (from work) with a non-standard Kernel, so I'll try again over the weekend.

    So thank you for the new toy, and I promise to bring it home before midnight :winking_face:

    PS: Multiboot 6.26 ist now out where most of the bugs with the USB support were fixed, looking forward what now will happen on the kernel question (to USB or not to USB Shakespeare would say)


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von thowi ()

  • so, here's you girl back noggie !

    Sorry that the readme ist German only at the moment, but 80% is a
    short description of automount and autofs which you can easily find with Google in English too or by reading the man pages.

    At the moment the kit is just including the basic stuff, and if you enable it in the menu interface or with the script
    then it will install the needed stuff on your box, patch the startup script so that it runs on the Dreambox and then you can start/stop/restart/reload the dameon with the menu interface similar to my cronmanager plugin.

    Adding a single samba and cifs mountpoint to auto.misc is included in the plugin, but untested.

    But the /misc and /net examples seem to work (well at least they are shown if you enter mount as autofs).

    So I now would need inputs from people using samba and/or nfs or CD/DVD devices which are willing to play with the plugin and create appropiate config files for it, so that I then can use these as templates
    for adding appropiate menu interfaces to create them interactively
    (cifs and samba is hence untested).

    So I hope this is usefull stuff for people who are used to work with automount/autofs and are willing now to contribute their know-how.

    Was not too difficult, so let's see what people can do with this on their Dreambox !


  • hi Thor1967,

    thowi macht erstmal eine lange pause :smiling_face:

    hier Automounter kannst du ihn runter laden und auf die box schieben

    1x DreamBox 7025+ DVB-SS | 1x DreamBox 7025 DVB-SS | 1x DreamBox 500 DVB-S | LE-40F86BD | Synology DS107+ | Schwaiger 100er-Alu | Goldedition Quatro 0,3 dB | Kathrein EXR 508/T

  • Zitat

    Original von dreg
    hi Thor1967,

    thowi macht erstmal eine lange pause :smiling_face:

    hier Automounter kannst du ihn runter laden und auf die box schieben

    Hi dreg

    danke für die schnelle antwort!!!

    werde ich mal mache

