why there is no bootlog in dreambox image?

  • because the DM7080 boot is so fast you will not be able to see any logo LOL

    Albert Einstein:"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
    voyger.:"never make a arguement with an idiot. It will drags you to its own level,and then he will strikes you with His experience.:"

    DM920 DM900hd love my box :thumbs_up:

  • @ voyger

    log is not logo

    sorry my mistake did miss read

    Albert Einstein:"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
    voyger.:"never make a arguement with an idiot. It will drags you to its own level,and then he will strikes you with His experience.:"

    DM920 DM900hd love my box :thumbs_up: