add a network location DM800se

  • when i flash my DM800 se with original image and i want add a network location in my pc (Win 7 ) i see this error :


    an error occurred opening that folder on the ftp server make sure you have permission

    why ?
    in other image like Gemini or Merlin everything work OK and i can access to my HDD without problem

  • With which software do you try to access the Dreambox? I guess you are using the Windows Explorer and ftp? I would recommend to use a "real" FTP client for that. My recommendation is Filezilla.
    However the difference between Merlin and the Original image is that there is a different setting for the FTP server. In the Original image the FTP server has a "starting directory" which is a problem for some (badly programmed) FTP clients such as Windows Explorer. You might be able to change that setting in the file vsftp.conf (search the forum for the name, there should be thread about that). But of course you need a better FTP client first in order to be even able to chage that file :face_with_rolling_eyes:
    And again I would not recommend to use Windows Explorer for FTP at all.

    Alternatively you could access the HDD with the Windows Explorer via samba (which is preinstalled in the Original image but not in Merlin :winking_face: ). For that you have to go to "Network places" in the Windows explorer. Alternatively you should be able to acces the Samba share of the Dreambox via \\DM800se (watch to use Backslashes, not normal slash!) or \\ip.of.your.dreambox That would be the "normal use" for the Windows Explorer :grinning_squinting_face:

    P.S.: Gemini is not an image anymore for many years now!

    so long

  • tnx for your answer.
    i want see my dm800 hdd in my computer like other Drives.
    i do this i all of my receivers like : vu+ and all Dreambox models.
    i test many images in my dreamboxes but in original image & oozoon i see this error.
    i can access to my dm hdd with filezilla and DCC without problem.
    but when i map dm800 hdd like other drives it is better for me.
    now i want to know can i fix this problem or no ?
    if yes how i must do this ?