Questions Aboutd DM 7080

  • Hi Everyone
    I wanna buy DM7080
    but i have some questions:
    1-can i watch my video files via usb ? ( without formating usb to linux drive)
    2-can i record video files only with .ts file?or can i record .mkv or .avi ?
    3-introduce me some huge plugins for DM 7080 that not in OE 2

  • 1) Yes just reading NTFS (Windows), exFat (almost any OS) or HFS (Mac) should work. But maybe you have to install some addons. GP3 supports a pretty wide range of filesystems. Writing on these is also possible but may be too slow for recordings.
    2) No, but you can play mkv or avi. So you can remux the recordings on your PC and play them on the 7080HD. But in general that's useless because TS, MKV and AVI are only containers and say nothing about the content.
    3) Transcoding / Streaming Server

    so long

  • 1) Yes just reading NTFS (Windows), exFat (almost any OS) or HFS (Mac) should work. But maybe you have to install some addons. GP3 supports a pretty wide range of filesystems. Writing on these is also possible but may be too slow for recordings.
    2) No, but you can play mkv or avi. So you can remux the recordings on your PC and play them on the 7080HD. But in general that's useless because TS, MKV and AVI are only containers and say nothing about the content.
    3) Transcoding / Streaming Server

    thanks a lot
    1-can you help me more about number 1.... i don't want format my external hard drive but i wanna play video files and other files with dm 7080
    2-ok thanks a lot
    3-(transcoding/streaming server ) can you introduce them for me what exactly they do for me?
    4-is there any good player for suporting 1080p files and support subtitles (.srt .sub and ...)
    5-do you suggest me to buy 820 or 7080 ?
    many many thanks

  • i have DM7080 + HDD 1Tr and i have many "movies + subtitle"
    when i play movie in dm7080 it work ok but when i press audio button -- yellow button ------choose subtitle file this show in picture but like this :
    why ?
    i am Persian and my subtitles files are srt format.
    i use Gemini plugin .