DM7020hd v2 with 370 MB of RAM and 309 MB of flash?

  • Hello
    My friend bought a DM7020hd v2 box, but contrary to what was expected, this box is show the 370 MB of RAM and 309 MB of flash.
    What causes this difference and how do I fix this?

  • Some parts of the RAM are reserved for the framebuffer (and I think video output or so). You can see this on any Dreambox, but of course in the 7020HD the effect is biggest, cause it has so much RAM :grinning_squinting_face:

    The Flash is 1 GB, but it is partitioned. I think the reason for this is faster bootup or better perfomance for file actions.
    Just for enigma2, plugins and even a lot of picons 300 MB ought to be more than enough, but you can still use /data for additional stuff ((check with "df -h" via Telnet/SSH).

    so long

  • Same answer as you got at OoZooN' board:

    There is no need to fix anything as there is nothing broken.

    The rest of the 512 Memory is used by the Videodecoder and not available
    to Linux - similar to what Graphiccard do often with the PC's Main

    The Rest of the 1GB Flash ist mounted at /data for his personal needs
    (Picons, etc...) or to be used from Plugins, like for example the
    DarkShadow Plugin does.

    But it should be 369MB for a v1 box and a few MB more for a v2 - so please check once more

    Filesystem            	Size  	Used Available Use% Mounted on
    ubi0:rootfs         	369.6M 	54.7M	314.9M  15% /
    /dev/ubi0_1         	535.8M 	24.0K	531.1M   0% /data

    For exactly checking you need ubinfo -a

    UBIFS has about 10% overhead resulting in the 369 on df -h output and
    the v2 has 402MB for root instead of 397 of the v1 from the ubinfo
    output above.

    If you want a bigger root filesystem - dFlash allows to change the sizes with backup restore.