Dreambox Goliath are available for Gemini team?

  • Hello

    Is this correct that the Dreambox Goliath are available for Gemini team for testing?

    I know that there is no possibility that you are explain fully about the goliath hardware and software
    but I just have a general question and hopefully give me answer as a general :
    In terms of hardware and software, is there a major difference between existing boxes and Dreambox goliath?


  • That some of their team members use this kind of joke in their hardware signature at their board is just a proof for their specific kind of humor.

    But the generic answer to your question is pretty simple without any further knowledge - yes there will be differences :grinning_squinting_face:

  • OK, if we start rumors I tell you a few well kept secrets ...

    The G in Goliath stands for Graphical, the o for object oriented, the li for Linux and the ath for the new Qualcomm Atheros Chip :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    Are you now happy with this hoax ?

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